
>> Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ok, this is my first Photo A Day blog post! The topic is ART. Just an FYI, for each topic idea, I open up the dictionary and take the first word that catches my eye, then think of something that goes with that topic and snap the shot. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, ideas, ANYTHING.. just email me at

Thank you for visiting VidePics!


Photo A Day!

Alright.. after the chaos of losing my camera, my mom finally found it and I can get started on my Photo A Day goal. I got the idea from Nancy Boudreau. Nancy does a painting a day and comes up with some of the most creative pictures. I figured that since I am so into photography, I would try my little spin on that. So I am going to try to take one picture each day of different concepts for hopefully.. ONE YEAR! My first official day is going to be today, April 30, 2008 and I hope to make it all the way to April 30, 2009.

Wish my good luck and please pass the link on to anyone you know! =]


We won at FilmSpeed!

>> Sunday, April 20, 2008

We went to the winner's reception at Exposure Gallery and checked out all of the amazing pictures that people took. It was amazing to see what everyone can come up with under pressure, especially using a disposable camera. For this picture, we won for "Best Interpretation of a Single Topic". The topic was "ethnic" and we found an old Irish pub and snapped a shot of one of the flags outside the entrance.



This is one of the 24 photos that I took at FilmSpeed. FilmSpeed is an 'unusual photography scavenger hunt'. They give you a list of topics and you need to creatively interpret them to gain points. This picture's topic was called "FULL".

You get it?

hope so.


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