Cover Up

>> Saturday, April 11, 2009

So today I went to my sister's house to color easter eggs with the kids and it was a lot of fun. Before the sun went down I went outside to walk around the yard and take pictures of anything that caught my eye. This is a picture that I have always wanted to take, and I finally found the perfect place to take it. I had to kinda had to stand in a thorn bush to get this, but it was totally worth it! And the sepia effect was a happy accident. I was trying to push a different button, and I hit 'sepia' instead. Once it was in sepia, I brought down the saturation to give it a really nice effect. Well I hope you all had a great day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


NBoudreau April 14, 2009  

Looks like the trees are bending down to look at you. -nB

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