365::365 - Done!
>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Alright, so this is it! The end of my 365 project. What a ride it has been! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. I never though I'd last more than the first couple of weeks and here I am, 52 weeks later and I've enjoyed every single day of it! It will be weird, not having to think of what I'd be taking on a daily basis, but I'm sure I'll get over it quickly!
OK so there were some days when I really couldn't be bothered, but those were the days that I pushed myself and tested my limits of my own creativity. I feel like I've gone from someone who might get a half decent photo every now and then to someone who can work out if a photo is going to be half decent before I even take it. My confidence in my own photography has grown hugely.
I am so glad that I found this project, and I am so happy about all of the support that I have gained. I have grew more confident in myself, especially in my photography. I had seen this idea floating around the internet, and I kept checking what others were posting, wondering why they would want to take a picture every single day while at the same time wondering if I could do it myself. After a couple of weeks (and some camera chaos), I took the plunge and immediately got the bug. I would find myself thinking about my photos during the day, working out what I could do, what might work, and what might make an interesting photo. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't but one thing is certain, it made me pick up a camera every single day and for that I will be forever grateful.
And so, I'd just like to take this chance to thank everyone who has supported me through my year in photography. I would never have been able to do this without you guys! I want to thank my family and friends, especially, who while they may not have really understood why I did this, they supported me nonetheless. Thank you all for helping me on my journey from day 1 to day 365. I have benefited from this project in so many ways, and I couldn't picture how my life would be without it.