Taking Flight

>> Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So today we had vultures flying around our yard ALL DAY! My mom was flipping out when I went outside to take pictures because she was convinced that they would attack me. Well obviously I am fine, and I am happy with my results. Unfortunately I found the reason that these animals were flying around our yard. I was walking around and I saw.. half of a possum in the grass! I could clearly see its rib cage, and its face. I only found this because I saw one of the vultures drop it. I did take some pictures of the possum, and I was debating whether or not to make it my photo of the day, but I decided it was a little too graphic. Well I hope you all had a vulture free day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. (Link below is where you can see the photo of the possum.. beware!)


NBoudreau March 26, 2009  

A very healthy looking vulture, good shot. Glad they only eat dead things.

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