Wet Leaf

>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today was such a dark and gloomy day! It was so boring and sad because the sun was almost never out! I only noticed the sun out during the late afternoon. I was in the kitchen and I noticed this one leaf on the table on our deck. It had drips from the rain all over it and the sun was hitting it beautifully. I really like how it came out, especially the glass under the leaf. It almost looks like it is on top of an ocean, but in reality it was just on top of a glass table with some rain water on it. Well I hope you all had a nice day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Amber October 30, 2008  

that's awesome.
i love the lighting + clarity of the water drops!

~Silver November 07, 2008  

It really does look like it's on water, and the lighting and ain water only adds to the effect, this is an amazing pic. :)

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