Leaving Our Mark..

>> Monday, August 4, 2008

So today, me and the kids went outside in the driveway and drew with some chalk. I didn't remember how much fun it was until I actually started drawing. It was like I just let my imagination go wild on the driveway. It was really fun, and I even helped Tyler with learning how to write his name. I know it will take a couple more than one time to have him remember exactly how to do it, but it was really fun. This is a picture of the chalk that we used on the driveway. I decided to draw a couple scribbles first and then lay the chalk there so the picture was more interesting. Well I hope you all had a nice day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

PS: This is my 100th post!!!



~Silver August 05, 2008  

cool the black drivweway really makes the colors stand out. :)Oh and I like the Make a Wish picture a lot

Anthony V. August 05, 2008  

Thank you! =]
And I love the make a wish one too! It is one of my favorite ones.

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