Coming Up to Say Hello!
>> Sunday, June 29, 2008
So today we went to Gouveia Vineyards again. At these vineyards, they have a pretty big lake, and in this lake they have fish and turtles! The turtles were awesome! If you looked out onto the lake, you would be able to see a bunch of little turtle heads popping out of the water. If you put your hand in the water and splashed it around a little, then a turtle would actually come up to it and stay there until you pulled your hand away. To take this picture, I had to take my hand and splash the water to have a turtle come over, and then move my hand away really quickly before the turtle left to take the picture. I think that the picture came out pretty cool, because it looks like the turtle is actually looking at the camera. Well I hope you all have a nice day, and I'll talk to you soon.
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